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[分享] SW2016PDM安装指南

发表于 2015-10-10 09:18:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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SW2016PDM安装指南$ I* u9 X- {7 a2 m/ Y1 Y3 e

. Q2 ^, r4 \9 ?/ H0 z+ `  V& s3 g& z1 `$ s" W
QQ截图20151010091426.jpg / D" q0 Q4 a8 q9 G1 A6 ^% j
+ O* Y  Q& J& a. t4 c6 B. w
9 }; k0 u! h# `7 j3 I: X7 U
SW2016PDM安装指南Installation Guide.pdf (2.97 MB, 下载次数: 1699)


参与人数 1三维币 +3 收起 理由
阿帕奇 + 3


发表于 2015-10-10 11:30:10 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2015-10-10 14:06:28 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2015-10-10 14:50:27 | 显示全部楼层
SolidWorks Enterprise PDM 新增功能全集】
" ?" Z" F5 N4 u- O# Vhttp://files.solidworks.com/Supportfiles/PDMWorks_Ent_Whats_New/2008/Chinese-simplified/WhatsNewEnterprise.pdf
" {  n& e& X/ T" m2 @http://files.solidworks.com/Supportfiles/PDMWorks_Ent_Whats_New/2009/Chinese-simplified/WhatsNewEnterprise.pdf
; E% ^# F5 U" d7 x4 B; o2 A, uhttp://files.solidworks.com/Supportfiles/PDMWorks_Ent_Whats_New/2010/Chinese-simplified/WhatsNewEnterprise.pdf
4 k2 S) h! Z# i; F& i0 a+ p6 b, ohttp://files.solidworks.com/Supportfiles/PDMWorks_Ent_Whats_New/2011/Chinese-simplified/WhatsNewEnterprise.pdf0 ^* u0 m' C6 f8 t6 f! N
http://files.solidworks.com/Supportfiles/PDMWorks_Ent_Whats_New/2012/Chinese-simplified/WhatsNewEnterprise.pdf" w/ z; k+ X: G5 y
http://files.solidworks.com/Supportfiles/PDMWorks_Ent_Whats_New/2013/Chinese-simplified/WhatsNewEnterprise.pdf* F! Q, W+ E/ L
http://files.solidworks.com/Supportfiles/PDMWorks_Ent_Whats_New/2014/Chinese-simplified/WhatsNewEnterprise.pdf% X6 N% b$ Q4 p7 z) Y
; v# n5 h& P6 v1 N. R: ~http://files.solidworks.com/Supportfiles/PDMWorks_Ent_Whats_New/2016/Chinese-simplified/WhatsNewEnterprise.pdf4 c/ n& `* t% ]6 [  ~/ t! r
* D* Q( d. H7 ~& i
SolidWorks Enterprise PDM 安装指南全集】
: L- L" E1 I  }http://files.solidworks.com/Supportfiles/PDMWorks_Ent_Installation/2009/Chinese-simplified/Installation%20Guide.pdf
) X) d" E$ S  s0 F" l
5 D8 y& n6 j/ [& ]0 l$ S+ C9 l9 ^; Bhttp://files.solidworks.com/Supportfiles/PDMWorks_Ent_Installation/2011/Chinese-simplified/Installation%20Guide.pdf
. }9 B) ?" @  n+ x+ o( H# L- _http://files.solidworks.com/Supportfiles/PDMWorks_Ent_Installation/2012/Chinese-simplified/Installation%20Guide.pdf! P; G) r# A4 Y2 Q8 o' y
http://files.solidworks.com/Supportfiles/PDMWorks_Ent_Installation/2013/Chinese-simplified/Installation%20Guide.pdf' {; j* F7 G0 [2 T) x0 l
0 V" U, C' j3 ?- N  bhttp://files.solidworks.com/Supportfiles/PDMWorks_Ent_Installation/2015/Chinese-simplified/Installation%20Guide.pdf0 w0 g& x7 j. W$ M6 W( l* V0 x
2 U, s6 x; }+ o2 }5 S4 b/ F
' a, N/ i8 Q) i% }( z- `1 I
SolidWorks Enterprise PDM 安装与管理全集】 % h3 x8 D& q! K( |( n# p; G
http://files.solidworks.com/Supportfiles/SW_Installation_Guide/2010/Chinese-simplified/install_guide.pdf$ c, m1 D+ {7 s, X" @0 ?" N
* x9 |+ @3 \" P4 R& X7 J. V+ Khttp://files.solidworks.com/Supportfiles/SW_Installation_Guide/2012/Chinese-simplified/install_guide.pdf
  b5 \/ l* N/ n( Ghttp://files.solidworks.com/Supportfiles/SW_Installation_Guide/2013/Chinese-simplified/install_guide.pdf+ ?. B( D. {/ X1 l! }7 `  _
/ X7 k% q7 W) c* zhttp://files.solidworks.com/Supportfiles/SW_Installation_Guide/2015/Chinese-simplified/install_guide.pdf- Y5 V! ~3 R+ [/ J

- E7 [8 s; V) B  G5 S
5 {* I% B. _! |1 s+ w


参与人数 1三维币 +3 收起 理由
阿帕奇 + 3


发表于 2015-10-10 18:20:47 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2015-10-11 09:28:10 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2015-10-11 09:29:15 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2015-10-11 09:58:16 | 显示全部楼层
非常感谢楼主的分享,安装倒是会,只是SSQ的CK过程有些没看懂,  请教楼主CK的过程。
发表于 2015-10-11 10:00:25 | 显示全部楼层
shui2012 发表于 2015-10-10 14:50
6 M4 K% V/ O" l$ u! K【SolidWorks Enterprise PDM 新增功能全集】
6 C' J8 y+ ^7 g, B( _" i5 Lhttp://files.solidworks.com/Supportfiles/PDMWorks_Ent_W ...

0 D( L! R: a; u) W  e  Z感谢分享,2016 PDM的CK过程 有教程吗?  到目前 还没太研究明白。
发表于 2015-10-11 10:36:35 | 显示全部楼层
问下楼主SW2016PDM 哪里有
 楼主| 发表于 2015-10-11 17:25:51 | 显示全部楼层
huleu 发表于 2015-10-11 10:36
9 F; j% F0 Q7 j: g( U问下楼主SW2016PDM 哪里有
& W- T/ n8 _5 A1 x" S; I7 P/ y
 楼主| 发表于 2015-10-11 17:26:49 | 显示全部楼层
任生 发表于 2015-10-11 10:00* i2 L7 Q* P3 w  Q( ?
感谢分享,2016 PDM的CK过程 有教程吗?  到目前 还没太研究明白。
) U0 b& ?, f- y' v; r
To install SolidWorks you need Administator account) ~4 D# U/ X3 F( P6 @
; h* {. h: w# i+ [) H
It's strongly reccomended to turn off Windows UAC
2 N9 W: g* v9 i% i) Z% `0 U
; v" [& K% l7 c; l* v) tIf your antivirus software is not from the list recomended by SW developers ( http://www.solidworks.com/sw/support/AntiVirus_SW.html ) it's strongly recomended to turn it off7 J& ?( [8 \  h! @/ N( ]. Y' X

3 N3 B) e+ K, i# E: ?: g" W: ~" T1. DISCONNECT INTERNET!!!
: T6 }7 n) N4 I: S5 h( M, d% L, F  c% g" ^9 N
2. Import the SolidWorksSerialNumbers2016.reg file as administrator to populate serial numbers for SolidWorks products.
- ?" g1 J+ C; l) n/ x
$ i8 D( U% [* o" w. m" a3. Mount ISO DVD1 into virtual CD-drive and run "setup.exe" if will not start automatically6 H2 Z( I# Q# E; j( {. g
; }2 I; L& J$ k, I
4. On "Welcome" page specify the type of installation: Individual (on this computer)' m+ i" w8 b  V$ f: u* ?

+ P$ o5 h# f2 g5 M$ s4 U7 W' W5. On "Serial Number" page check the serial numbers are present and press Next
2 C! L  O9 |( k" e) L' g! {& Q1 L  T2 K# X8 c7 ]$ y& @" i0 w8 J" u
Notes: If you do not disconnect internet before setup you will get warning "Your serial number does not entitle you to SOLIDWORKS.." click "NEXT". At "Products" tab click "CHANGE" > "Select different packages or products" > tick "Also show products that are not part of this package" > "OK". Select SW modules and supported languages that you want to install and continue setup
- d; ~+ {/ A9 I7 p) P* o0 \% Q; A
6. When you will get warning "Could not connect to the SolidWorks server to determine which products you are entitled to install...." click "Cancel" to continue setup6 ~% n( `5 _1 g+ W

% b3 h3 K% d- A. F3 y! P7. On "Installation Options" page select "I would like to create new installation of SolidWorks 2016"
% h0 d: r+ e& V( A& x9 c6 N- [! ~$ h2 g. f
Note: also you can select to upgrade any previous major version of SW (if installed) to version 2016 SP0 (not recommended)4 l  z" C4 _# w- {9 E9 W: k, [" ]5 h

0 l3 {& g3 u9 C, o; b8. On "Summary" page be sure to check if all products that you need are ticked for setup
5 x" }2 c0 r% p! ^5 B3 d" w8 zTo do it click "Change" for "Products" list and be sure that all needed products in list are ticked. Open drop-down list of products to see all included modules.  Tick needed products, untick not needed3 }/ R5 K8 C! Q2 o; Y
Be sure to open list of "Languages" and check if needed language is ticked for setup.
, m' A0 q) e! E, r0 J( {: ~& [8 {% s- r& W
Notes: if planning to install SW Electrical, it is best ot install SQL Server instance BEFORE the Electrical installation.! a5 x2 ?' P/ T* `; M
0 ~0 p" W9 u" A; Y2 t7 V
9. Click "Change" on "Download Options" and untick "Use the background download manager for future service packs"2 c7 x0 d2 ^0 r/ D
! f$ j" ]$ g  F: R7 \2 l/ X0 Z
10. Change (if needed) "Installation Location", "Toolbox/Hole Wizard Options", "Electrical Options" and so on..
4 m, R$ W3 B* A3 J
) ]% F. Z3 t5 I
! g" R, ]+ w5 K8 q" h; v11. If during setup you will get warning "The Installation Manager was unable to determine the current subxcription expiration date. Would you like to reactivate your license to update this information?" you mast answer "No", "Cansel". For the next warning that you will need to do it later manually you must answer "OK" to continue setup. Answer "Cansel" will terminate setup
9 j! F3 Y9 H7 b4 c8 `" ^8 k0 o3 J" C# H4 a8 A( n- a0 u* n+ W  o
12. If asked for DVD2 mount ISO DVD2 into virtual CD-drive and continue setup: Z, g2 J! a! k
/ H9 `) K* p1 Z6 d9 u
13. After finish of setup run "SW2010-2016.Activator.GUI.SSQ.exe", on "General" tab select SW products that you want to activate and click "Activate!"
+ J' u# n% I6 ?. p, _
( O  n/ ~& b+ t( j5 L) ?: o+ C14. Wait for Activator message "All done! Enjoy" and click "OK" to close Activator
- S! v) L5 w$ K: |7 G8 k: L. p$ a" G, M) A
15. To get SW Xpress products activation codes use "SolidWorksCodeGenerator.exe"! @0 h1 R. y  O7 ~* K8 w

* V+ Y/ `4 f* I) G/ x16. Enjoy!- }# B& Q" l  V) }+ S

/ G& O7 ?# ^/ U' ]# u% _* j7 [Cracked by TeAM SolidSQUAD-SSQ
发表于 2015-10-12 07:49:29 | 显示全部楼层
yh2008 发表于 2015-10-11 17:26
1 [' _: R9 X' j6 O# e; m- HTo install SolidWorks you need Administator account
) w; S  {# s& B  j+ I0 o3 M5 Z
6 M# G* X: ^/ z1 c5 }; sIt's strongly reccomended to turn off Windo ...
  Y( {0 N) a$ J# {3 g* Q5 [( }* p
这个是SSQ 下载文件 里的英文教程,已经看过了,没有看的太明白,按这个教程试验过了PDM不好用。# k$ m' F2 ]9 B! z; f
我想问楼主的是,你有亲自安装试验过CK过程吗?PDM软件好用吗?- X# l( f7 x. x) m
能制作一个中文的安装和CK 教程吗?
 楼主| 发表于 2015-10-12 16:30:39 | 显示全部楼层
任生 发表于 2015-10-12 07:49
$ J$ c  t9 @6 G- V7 t/ Z& s2 p这个是SSQ 下载文件 里的英文教程,已经看过了,没有看的太明白,按这个教程试验过了PDM不好用。
: F; V# S% U+ T5 E5 r+ J/ P: e- X0 n& J, G我想问 ...
! q8 D0 C- M( c
安装过程请查看此连接:http://www.3dportal.cn/discuz/fo ... p;extra=#pid8566637
发表于 2015-10-12 16:54:29 | 显示全部楼层
任生 发表于 2015-10-11 10:00' B- X" U' {1 L
感谢分享,2016 PDM的CK过程 有教程吗?  到目前 还没太研究明白。
* Y2 J7 r+ [1 x* y" U
SolidWorks  PDM 安装与ck( j2 f. q% y2 N2 v% r. P
http://www.3dportal.cn/discuz/fo ... amp;fromuid=1433822
- M# r, O% v) u, U- ^. v# z8 o2 Y(出处: 三维网)- }6 W- v7 o6 j6 A0 q# {
发表于 2015-10-12 19:12:34 | 显示全部楼层
yh2008 发表于 2015-10-12 16:303 C; ?+ T- p% W  w& T
安装过程请查看此连接:http://www.3dportal.cn/discuz/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1467076&page=1&ex ...

8 S, w# W' [( A, W0 E感谢楼主的分享!学习了。
发表于 2015-10-12 19:13:05 | 显示全部楼层
shui2012 发表于 2015-10-12 16:54
$ ~- G7 ]: c+ e5 [SolidWorks  PDM 安装与ck
1 o9 |2 `- o3 g% m6 ?http://www.3dportal.cn/discuz/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1467072&fromu ...
2 `7 f3 @0 ]0 U
发表于 2015-10-18 22:07:20 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2015-12-19 08:47:09 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2015-12-19 09:54:44 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2016-2-13 13:24:45 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2016-2-15 23:56:20 | 显示全部楼层
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