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[分享] Solid Edge ST7 发布MP8

发表于 2015-6-24 08:52:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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/ z4 n+ W$ ]5 f6 J, O
4 B  L5 s8 a1 g
Doug Stainbrook, Global  Technical Business Development
Edge Answers
Solid Edge ST7 Maintenance Pack 8 Released
9 }- m% @8 G* B- J/ x: ^

- {! Y7 d& f3 J
Siemens  PLM Software employees:
* \0 V: _, v# T' ~$ a7 O3 [' c8 Z
Channel  Partners:

( S* ~5 Z. M0 K- Y3 P. _  x" _, O9 w
  Solid Edge ST7 Maintenance Pack 8 for Solid Edge is available for  download.
7 G8 U0 \$ J/ Q' Z  y+ z6 Q' f  The Solid Edge Team
$ F% N" G" }5 T6 k1 I  Release Notes:
$ P, v1 e* B) w& E9 k7 V# t. v- V  ============
Maintenance Packs are released for CRITICAL items only.  Maintenance Packs are available up to a maximum . D" N. W7 @8 X4 _
  of 15 months following the release date of the English version. The release  date for Solid Edge ST7 English was. b$ t  ^3 S( L* @- X
  08/08/14, making the Maintenance Pack cutoff date 11/08/15.
3 x0 K  X+ o* l, r3 d1 t3 d& p
' i/ b6 S3 w8 A$ `8 Z$ X  Download Location:9 q7 O: U! ^0 O3 P! l( l8 A
ST7 Maintenance Packs can be downloaded from:

* N7 k) K; h$ s6 ]! W, L, C
0 h* y$ T' C$ x  Installation:
( U. G0 q0 z$ S" ?5 Y; A  ==========
There were Solid Edge Embedded Client policy file updates in  MP2. It’s vitally important that you install SEEC
  z& }1 @3 |( [1 R9 g1 H  Administrator, which delivers the policy files to TC_DATA.
Maintenance Pack Executables (.exe files) patch existing product  dlls. Maintenance Pack executables ! B0 \" x# ?8 g  P: A8 u
  are all inclusive and can be installed on top of a base release or any  released Maintenance Pack.
Maintenance Pack Installs (.zip files) are complete product  setups. Therefore, existing versions must be
& a0 k- A$ }1 G! n  uninstalled using Add/Remove Programs from the Control Panel prior to  installing the new setup.
8 z% f- }  i" |' f
===============7 M" W7 x" J0 a4 i) u
  E-mail Notification:
% N1 ]( o8 L  ^) ?0 }- h  ===============
To receive direct e-mail notification for new Solid Edge Update  or Maintenance Packs, subscribe 6 y8 ?" K0 x! Q$ G; N
  to the SFBmail notification.
To initiate your subscription, navigate to: http://support.industrysoftware.automation.siemens.com/general/email.shtml  for the web interface.
& A  d2 S  O4 @! d9 U
; S. Z5 B3 g, k2 t! \( i% r% O  This Maintenance Pack addresses the following PRs:
3 X5 f. ~& }; S  =========================================
$ h6 U. i6 D# i* Q2 E1 K  PR 7368046: YouTube states it will no longer support older YouTube apps
===Assembly=== + Z- U. y# |$ k$ r
  PR 7382055: Failed relations in replace part with copy4 o  s' X* y. P$ [, S; L( Q  G
  PR 7377429: Dimension on Sync cylindrical face not shown if an assembly  feature modifies part: Q" x6 E2 c3 i3 |1 S# Y2 _
  PR 8266419: Path edits does not cause Frame feature to update) I  X5 S! ]% |( a- y4 L
  PR 7382761: Performance issue opening an assembly file : l  G* E" a% i. P; W
  PR 7400876: Animation editor does not work
* u' x8 X! s2 T3 D  PR 7316543: Wrong result when copy-paste table in draft.
4 {4 }5 ]6 {: G& k  PR 7332149: Callout doesn't handle Chinese + Cyrillic chars from  DraftCallout.txt correctly
( s2 G8 K: H# t' h  PR 7384367: Parenthesis indicating reference dim are interfering with dual  dimension bracket
5 F; h0 e, q. i: c" {  PR 7396466: Draft - Copy/paste and attempted parts list placement crashed
% R' o! T( G) O5 z* }  PR 7395989: Incorrect dimension scale on Import of DXF files) T* \0 ~* m5 b
  PR 8505242: Dimension changes when opening this drawing file in SE ST7
===Part/Profile/Sheet Metal=== % B  E/ Y. ?) t9 K$ w* U# Z
  PR 7387755: Solid Edge crashes after clicking cancel on warning dialog
' [6 P$ {5 i) X& ?0 l  PR 7399116: Hole feature problem since ST7MP7
0 R3 [" K( q! P  PR 7280647: Smart dimension value differs from curve length about 0.5 mm
* l+ B$ Z* C# D! U  PR 7405986: Solid Edge closes with 'System is Low on Memory' error
===Translators===: \$ J% b: g1 B; I: U. J6 r, Y8 S
  PR 1991413: SolidEdgeTranslationServices.exe cannot run multithreaded
===Insight===3 @4 h* r0 ?, b$ i2 m: Z4 n
  PR 7373760: Slow key-in in Property Manager- Insight actions during edit
" o+ G7 h' A3 y0 |) f  PR 7378436: Search Dialog "Results per page:" row is misaligned
2 |  ?+ c% I  [1 l8 g/ N( p  PR 2249492: Property Manager errors when changing properties of parts; ]0 o+ z  I" H
  PR 7396003: Insight Free Text search returns only one file for same filename  in diff folders
===Solid Edge SP, Server, Standalone Client, Solid Edge  Client===
6 L: i! d' ?4 I, R9 W  PR 7390126: Error during upload to SESP when unmanaged parts are inserted in  a managed assembly% r. R( m0 e5 {" J
  PR 7370133: Workflow with option "beliebig" (any) doesn't work on a  German SESP Server- H6 ~( K4 X0 n* \
  PR 7402064: DP - Modify Tool does not create tmp file for tif files (any  image file)
===Solid Edge Embedded Client===5 d% B4 ^0 F  o+ [, a
  PR 7371603: Dimensions values are rounded down with SEEC in French version* Y6 L  Z( k( q) j
  PR 8505291: Solid Edge check out SEEC license when SEEC is turn off5 K+ o# Z+ N7 K  V, B& Z
  PR 8270039: Variables values are rounded down on FOP with SEEC in French  version; ]2 U1 S- p. h7 P
  PR 7402020: When do not specify a variant the assembly will be blank after it  is open
5 L. q& l# l7 S; q5 x4 B/ s+ T  PR 8270157: SEEC - sub-classed item type missing forms
# z( E* i. u, n& X2 F  PR 7408247: Change Ownership on SE Assembly doesn't change attached Form- P2 d: w1 a% K0 o+ j& @
  PR 8271312: Material property sync causes doubled Edge.exe process

8 o1 _8 ]  \1 M. z" h1 {* X
To access the current Edge Answers, Employees and Partners can  click the following link./ V: j. f4 N1 J1 n- g
) R  t2 _7 o6 M, ~! g- ]# C5 r) S6 c
Happy selling!!
Doug Stainbrook: Z, U% U6 J& U  R% Y: M* {
  Senior Application Engineer
0 h1 F+ q# g' j+ ?3 Q. u  w0 a' x! W  Global Technical Business Development
0 R1 K3 S( t  Z4 x) d. y2 d1 b/ J1 `% w

: }2 @3 l  W* q: q2 A8 u& U; e
) A- _. i7 H0 h
# v; v) Z$ G7 t) `+ w

8 Q9 I! o2 I7 n7 z6 D- S" Z
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