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[分享] Solid Edge ST4 MP04 Update & crack (by SSQ)

发表于 2012-3-24 00:55:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 solid_user 于 2012-3-24 03:01 编辑
3 A! z/ l9 A  c2 j/ F9 r
; ]  R. p7 N; }5 U  O! w( x/ v1 \It's update only! To install it you need SE ST4 to be preinstalled!! w: C  C7 B& s7 F/ a
! U* q6 n9 t8 ]  G
" D1 `% B6 h* a, X32bit$ K: J: D) C1 j9 c) A& l/ w# H3 ~
http://115.com/file/dp740ar1#6 Y: o8 ?; q) d$ A4 b6 l! M: j
64bit) V2 O6 ~: t& D5 O
http://115.com/file/c2pwtwq6#3 k0 \6 x7 _/ E: g. A$ c

1 s" _* X8 w) M' E+ X5 ORapidShare* y) F2 C' [3 i8 }8 T. m
! t3 V6 Y% N: S7 f" V: D' T4 Hh-ttps://www.rapidshare.com/files/475979928/SE_ST4_MP4_32bit_Update_SSQ.rar
6 @* M3 i" ?" t8 I1 p1 r- R- f5 {# o64bit
  m4 T- A" C: @h-ttps://www.rapidshare.com/files/1955830271/SE_ST4_MP4_64bit_Update_SSQ.rar
0 P$ z1 B4 \$ s$ I, H
- L2 ]: X! c* k5 J3 o/ y/ n" BFileServe
; Y% N8 K6 C1 n; j' B$ v5 M32bit+ k" M1 _. o: @3 K
h-ttp://www.fileserve.com/file/9HvJMwV/SE_ST4_MP4_32bit_Update_SSQ.rar& K: k4 H2 o0 f, G5 `% D
5 }8 e$ G) m, m% Q+ t+ R! G7 zh-ttp://www.fileserve.com/file/mrhKPw7/SE_ST4_MP4_64bit_Update_SSQ.rar
 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-24 00:56:41 | 显示全部楼层
Release Notes:
; n8 Q% N. c, F. m8 T--------------# n2 e& D" @; d
& f7 L3 }) H9 q! o+ N! Z
Product:        Solid Edge
/ x) I- f3 e- s6 d/ l! v& j3 ]Version:
) x9 q# f: {1 f2 P4 N4 ZDate:           29-Feb-2012
* D: n7 I- w2 X2 O( p8 ^! P: [$ G6 b5 Q0 B7 d9 e( k
Maintenance Packs are all inclusive and can be installed on top of the base
( }9 x, q' M: a, Hrelease or any released Maintenance Pack.
3 k- b% i( p" V: L4 ~7 `: n4 _2 z# Y3 d" v) y; C
This Maintenance Pack can be installed on top of Versions:
/ y" }% ]1 W, Z* O104.00.00.82,,, or ~! v. _) i8 w4 G; y9 @2 y
" f( [& A7 D; `* K

+ b! Z  ]2 N. z9 ?--------------------: U! S* L* w: x2 S2 F$ L
End of Release Notes1 g: C+ w9 v7 e2 |7 O
--------------------/ O, h- T# i( F: b1 s

5 n9 {* q8 v: f5 J7 r-------------------
6 t0 L8 J) e, _$ D. a3 ZInstallation Notes:$ R2 z# U: [. h/ Z- Q
4 P  _: Y% y' g
0 N8 ?7 j/ g6 G5 @3 U3 CAfter downloading the Maintenance Pack to your machine, unbundle the zip file and
2 c+ {2 z0 b4 ?9 p/ b' M, wthen dbl click on exe to install the Maintenance Pack.- G8 z: u: o- h1 N! n; V1 b

3 }' M( c, t' _8 i! Y( r$ aWindows 7 Installation tips: In addition to turning off UAC, right click on the exe - I7 M9 f" V5 {, Y, Z) X$ b- c8 i
and select "run as administrator" to complete the installation.
9 I  y: N! s2 t) u+ K" g0 O0 T5 k6 O5 p. X( J  A
Windows 7 Tip: Most of the UAC security conflicts on Win7 can be avoided by installing ) J% Y- _+ m1 D4 S7 I) B" ~
Solid Edge somewhere other than the default “Program Files” folder. Install in a location
1 p; o3 f$ Z$ C' @( nlike c:\SolidEdge\ that the user has full permission to write to. 6 Y) L+ u, D4 f2 s; ?( c

- ~3 ^$ ?7 y6 v  M& R: K1 \- n. f-------------------2 x/ l: `, w5 \' U1 U& W$ G
End of Installation3 N: f/ Z- V. H# h, h# k9 f
-------------------! B0 W5 k3 i, v4 l, i6 W5 N

9 N; }( G$ H- O7 s1 M--------------------------------------------------
; N, O" R4 o% ?& [! Z& MThis Maintenance Pack addresses the following PRs:
8 y# o0 ~7 }- \+ S1 n--------------------------------------------------4 N$ X: v6 M) q# j$ K
% D( f( i* R& g; \
& D: [: q+ F1 D+ |* x! x
2 C: c) I& b  \% a# iPR 2186499: Added ArrangeWindows API to application automation object
6 O5 L9 @& P, F. S. p2 X9 ~PR 1880652: Regression in ModelNode.IncludeInPartsList API2 n% f, q% H. H
PR 1870918: Error if use API function Feature->Item()# e7 r4 X2 {# F' p5 ~$ L
PR 1866671: Skip the Query of non-need Parameter in API SaveAsFlatDXFEx
0 h: A' @9 R! T3 S, l/ A$ ?! TPR 2185290: ReBend api fails& M: P. C* @* i  v6 ^5 j+ i
4 b: ]5 s( d0 F4 S" h. X
===Assembly=== 3 q2 c' G1 ?$ k* H+ i$ n

% S: {8 `5 l7 VPR 1878230: Performance problem caused by a loop in the associated graph; I# T) @" e* a9 \% h0 F
PR 2177784: Memory usage goes up when you put the cursor over a Simplified Assembly' h3 Y4 ?+ o* B1 l
PR 2184189: Wrong fittings presented after modifying a pipe route9 |0 M5 S' F7 }. k$ C
PR 6637551: pathfinder locate is not working in ERA manual explode command
& D3 @" F7 Z2 S3 g- VPR 1871721: Pipe route being offset after changing an indirect parent
% P2 I) K# u. w& [9 S0 X3 fPR 6644521: SW Translator fails to translate Muti-Body files  d3 Q/ E: y( y* k* B
PR 1873964: Web Publisher not working on a 32-bit installation
+ }% j1 z; S- J7 @$ L  s3 A4 ?PR 1875446: Inconsistent item numbers in Draft due to replace0 h: T& U4 x3 z7 [! K9 p5 q
PR 1884297: cannot reorder copied sketches in part pathfinder, X) f# r, M2 j7 _2 F
PR 2180814: Editing this part file causes Solid Edge to crash
6 Y! D0 n9 y1 C# ]' c* WPR 2183520: Resolved random aborts in draft ( c2 O+ }- t( w, h- `* Y" l# k4 W
PR 6587167: When transferring renamed components, they take on new names
4 k9 Y" s( U' F5 dPR 6621873: Weld bead leaks under part
4 L5 M' n8 l" `& JPR 1884912: Display clipping does not work correctly when assembly features are present
$ j9 N; o) h0 Q" u" l+ m0 R' ?: }PR 1682348: Assembly features not working on frames and normal features in subassemblies
# U5 q& m+ B6 D  S+ XPR 1874030: assembly features missing in subassemblies of FOA members# T& H" ~: X% h* S5 t  N
PR 6421755: Failed Constraints after Replacing Sub-Assembly in Assembly' c( j: W) N# D! i) V0 u3 s
PR 6612747: Abort after using Animation Editor! T9 K3 k& e1 [: k5 {2 z
2 h7 W4 Q0 ^+ i3 I; {1 L1 `) B
4 A, H% n: v: R: p' X1 I( H5 ~- V4 I
$ z: g* r. O  J- J+ E; p, oPR 1878737: Layer is lost when Parts List is opened in ST2 or later4 Z2 T/ x7 h# R; {% W- r& n6 q
PR 1879397: Empty callout symbol is visible on created pdf and print
( B1 h/ u( Y6 jPR 1882031: Scale moves position when legacy file is opened/ f% _. W$ O' \1 Y# o2 ?
PR 6607642: resolved random crashes
( D6 o7 D. i5 m7 F' T7 m- j' @" R7 {PR 6629915: Length of Weld Not Displaying Correctly, and Draft Crashing
9 s, V! V0 l- y  wPR 1878851: Property text doesn't update after change to parts list) g2 j4 P1 d# r7 C& n- Y! |
PR 2186167: updating a broken view with broken out section caused dimensions to detach
3 ]1 d4 f/ \: F3 C% PPR 2188107: User painted edges are appearing in file open in ST3: x. U6 O  [5 Z4 |4 o. A2 Q. r
PR 1882594: Solid Edge is crashing when you rename an opened block: Q" e% M+ ]5 n+ T5 L
PR 1884347: Format codes to modify property text output cause reference to change
; z! m, b+ Y! z8 r8 @) ]PR 2174995: some lines not displaying when the V15 draft file is opened
3 z, G3 S( r! y0 X6 G/ g- o. P) A: RPR 6630591: Resolved a performance problem when locating callouts, Z9 t/ {5 }/ V
PR 1883798: Unable to save assembly file to a 3D PDF with a D&D License
1 {$ [$ n9 D. l  t, @' O) @PR 1886005: measure area result varies in this file+ S* |! ]. Z8 k
PR 2174959: Unnecessary hatching is displayed in this draft file! ]4 s+ j4 j6 c: B9 ^
PR 6646879: Point added to leader can only be moved below the horizontal line/ M' m3 C  H# @/ v; ^
PR 1883256: Multiline textbox from ST3 changes justification when opened in ST4
" H) f' b1 }8 `- D& _( @1 r( PPR 6640013: Stretching Connectors locks Solid Edge  e! J8 l+ M0 o# l* b- z9 Z- s
PR 6669348: DV layer override capability erroneously displays hidden layers% x- Q0 m( s" K5 x

  M  z, w2 C, C5 q) E7 O9 K6 s===Part/Profile/Sheet Metal=== ) W; o7 V/ T, Z+ {0 K. L" h$ e- g# H
( N& n& r6 l% p# o, Z) K
PR 1869930: Conflicting relationship message is missing ! R, E: f% ^8 `6 h% E' f
PR 6645209: Cannot view unprocessed plots for buckling study
* z2 h1 R5 O8 d& jPR 6645361: Unexpected result trying to move a part face " S6 i! f& H% P) Z- B( b
PR 1880039: hole diameter does not match variable/ part/ draft
) r! P: r+ |5 X1 TPR 1884859: abort issue from add draft command
+ e% C7 X* x  M: ^: [' N3 NPR 6619201: Components not locating in boreline order from Assembly9 q9 Q7 d5 C1 y2 Y! X' M* l1 r
PR 1880722: Mounting boss problems after modification& o  d8 F; g+ ?) [: J6 ]6 p6 k
PR 2187904: Abort when placing a coplanar face relate in Assembly
2 |  t% g: Z& m( O0 l. {$ hPR 6664590: Crash on Copy/Paste of dimension with class fit tolerance3 E( P  w+ \5 K; M6 f. R
PR 6645336: Edge crashes on app close after going into FOP and AA table
% `! i" w" h# I/ B' {PR 1876381: Adding a cutout to the pattern will delete holes & C  Z, a  Z2 U! f. h! p$ p' x
PR 6659724: Crash editing profile Dimple, Drawn cutout, Bead etc9 \' ]6 a! r8 y2 E7 x% F
PR 6664695: c-bore does not update with transition to a sync part1 o" a8 r0 d4 h5 p  T
PR 6669152: Cannot select nodes with Probe on one side of bolted connection; L) E9 Z+ D: S
- J4 P4 `/ C: r6 n7 f3 D7 V( ^
===Insight===/ X* b% j6 z  s  z1 E
/ Y3 _) A% L0 T
PR 6619831: ST3 is slower than V20 after OK 'Select Documents and Folders' dialog
- }2 b* w3 R" Q- Q3 H2 D1 ]: @4 U1 h& j2 _% z! ]
===Solid Edge Embedded Client===" `5 m  R2 W2 M, G% ]: h* k
* M' b& s2 n9 H! P, U
PR 6637263: Teamcenter error shown on saving a part file without assigning values to mapped prop
0 z4 A' R1 G8 L; K! l+ s. ePR 6575712: Desc: SEEC Diagnostic tool in ST4 gives strange results
$ T1 \% s9 S9 _. qPR 6653508: SEEC Save As not working after upgrading to TC 8.3.3
+ F0 h/ W$ X6 _- u6 j2 dPR 1883259: Saving a Draft file into a Teamcenter with more than 32 characters crashes
4 d) C. w1 N$ j1 ?) F
" j5 O$ W2 M0 Z" I# V! c) `1 v) s2 u( {( h
& h- `( _+ B; Z# z) G$ UEnd
8 Z- Q; D) Z: C9 Y1 p---
发表于 2012-3-24 10:27:04 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-3-24 11:19:20 | 显示全部楼层
* M6 Z4 ?0 m9 e+ ?2 q$ g不知道这次又更新什么了
发表于 2012-3-24 21:12:16 | 显示全部楼层
thanks soliduser
发表于 2012-3-25 11:12:36 | 显示全部楼层
! I- f! m- Z% p% ]; W. q9 DSE的补丁做得实在好,SW的动辄就上G不到SP5我都不敢下:bad
发表于 2012-3-25 22:20:04 | 显示全部楼层
谢了!昨天下的 今天回复。
发表于 2012-4-5 11:18:03 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-4-18 12:31:18 | 显示全部楼层
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