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[分享] 09年4月最新SolidEdge ST(v21) 32位补丁SE-STmp6.exe下载

发表于 2009-4-30 16:07:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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09年4月最新SolidEdge ST(v21) 32位补丁SE-STmp6.exe下载
  j8 H6 C. m. hhttp://www.ugst.cn/download/SEMP6.rar
3 d# V6 r0 I, m4 m: G  主要解决问题:& g! H+ L" r( @/ x; A) j6 Y, X

& n% a3 X# o2 R* \5 j- W& ZLegal Notices
3 f: ]6 E, j# M+ H8 h# z1 J  [--------------
8 j" D' @- ]8 S( m. [# C  i©2009 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc.
& q, ?: W! p6 l5 ]: w6 u4 A! x3 X9 ]6 m; ^& @$ n/ e9 ?' t/ ~' v0 o
All Rights Reserved& U3 L9 j/ _1 J! f& k+ _
Software, file formats, and audiovisual displays may be used pursuant to the
2 A! D2 g; d; }+ Y. K" b# ^applicable Software License Agreement and contain confidential and proprietary
4 U0 ^  N/ l8 F, F2 Z5 ]; Winformation of Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc.; which is
% @9 v) a- N8 h. b! g/ iprotected by copyright and trade secret law. Such materials may not be reproduced 2 Y# K. ^2 _) q4 z. t- G; y
or transferred to other documents or used or disclosed to others for manufacturing
; p' y! T4 @% Cor for any other purpose except as specifically authorized within the terms of the - @/ E8 @  v, t
Software License Agreement, or as specifically authorized in writing by Siemens $ J- D* T, u4 y  c
Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc., ]+ y3 W0 |' ]

& V: V# o& V6 m  @$ JSiemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc.
7 K; [& H; Z( u" g& x5800 Granite Parkway+ _  E, A3 z; n% e: u: J
Suite 600
  I0 C, R- o  D6 c! e: jPlano, TX. 750244 e; _/ o0 |/ A& }

6 _) f9 \* v: j  z0 B3 \- X( ?, J: E* _) A# R
, T% D& u6 Z+ E7 Q- LEnd of Legal Notices9 {$ x! @1 \8 q8 \1 g
--------------------% z! g4 y, r: p* ]% X7 c8 r( a

, s% M2 c8 a9 u, w8 z; `--------------) z4 p; L6 K' U+ G2 {4 y5 m8 p0 G; D
Release Notes:7 e1 m+ Y, R# k  ]. I
--------------  c0 v) I1 C+ k9 K) n5 H3 F6 M6 m, I

) l2 Z" z$ J) [' w2 |1 H! ZProduct:        Solid Edge
- M0 L$ l2 y1 _2 G. w4 lVersion:
5 p* R7 m" O; R& U' y8 ODate:           15-Apr-2009; P0 _7 N. Q9 L; R: B
- X- i' s2 b" V/ ~& a
This Maintenance Pack can be installed on top of Versions: * O; C4 T0 r" W,,,,, 7 H  j& `2 V/ P4 T) D
# ^9 C- M+ ]) m* Y
8 X# Y2 N+ ~; {Note: Maintenance Packs are all inclusive and can be installed on top of the base   s" a( y, `* U) F
release or any released Maintenance Pack.
5 p5 N) T  M$ T' ~% s# t( X5 Y5 h5 I/ \$ Y, w3 z. T: E% U5 d' P
--------------------% s4 j: D& V- m/ V7 G7 T& ^
End of Release Notes1 I  o3 e- z2 N  h" [
1 U- D* E- w4 h) `' g- E
0 r' |8 s/ a: j5 x- q9 p% P( \-------------------
+ x* S# M" Q; [3 h6 K# m( hInstallation Notes:
9 ]2 y5 t0 I  q9 \-------------------
  Q5 z7 o5 s. q+ _7 O' j2 y7 u- K2 v3 o4 }+ p! J% F
After downloading the Maintenance Pack to your machine, dbl click the downloaded
* D5 G7 l% a6 {: l1 t- Wfile and the Maintenance Pack will install.
* ?5 ~; x2 @0 u! l6 U) f( G. l
-------------------$ j: H( p1 [% ]3 [6 ~
End of Installation
4 y5 L& b- g" {# H-------------------5 B& R/ u( @: @9 `; A

. k; C4 f% N. W# N--------------------------------------------------
- Z1 Q2 w8 C: ?  h9 j! @This Maintenance Pack addresses the following PRs:
1 k# L0 _2 u4 K. g. g" q) Z/ `--------------------------------------------------. Q7 K# j$ r# M" z* e) F' @$ a. A
9 p* W- U- K" |) g; d
=====Assembly===== / @( w: j6 D, s

# T+ t4 e2 y  B. B' V+ @PR 6097501: Weld features failed each time the weldment assembly file is opened/ a. `' z, s; \
PR 6101187: SAT File Fails to Open: t+ u1 j/ H) A# P3 J4 R+ S
PR 1713572: Reference Feature step selecting faces instead of entire feature+ ^+ Z( |' X( t0 R: _
PR 6069017: Assembly aborts during open, m0 F3 R. y& Y5 D" m1 f( k7 o# M
PR 6111867: Unable to select individual sketch items when IPA into sub-assembly
5 @% h, O8 w- u3 D2 y3 |0 E% gPR 6119191: Solid Edge hangs when opening this draft file! ?: O% a9 ^1 L* M  W0 G4 m
PR 6124646: When translating Catia assemblies, curves, surf's, and solids are lumped together
6 b8 R7 {# _. B. f6 p* |# X7 v: y3 C2 @+ m
=====Part/Profile/Sheet Metal=====
$ x# ~9 z( ?9 N. {/ S$ k) B1 F
. Z! q6 K" h) A6 L% ^PR 6101666: Running quickly out of memory on a 64 bit machine (SE 32 bit). F* W; Q; D7 x2 a8 z
PR 5983131: EMS Translator fails to import any file
; |. n; Z8 v; y/ F; D: H+ p0 aPR 6119137: Solid Edge (French) crashes when moving cursor over Quickbar Single/All button
8 z: x! w+ E( c/ }0 m  O8 X3 _4 EPR 2118948: File hangs at the splash screen8 p! U7 C0 N# m& h+ F
PR 6118550: Mouse Scroll wheel on edit should adjust value of a round by 5% of initial value  Y) f6 Q9 ~& i7 e
" T" n; j( \, O9 v
=====Draft=====   i+ V2 t0 ~% T  n6 v" c

* w" ~/ H' p% {+ Y( K1 ^6 tPR 6123655: can't extract bodies from MDT files
8 |. {. r) G) A4 S& X2 W( G% P7 rPR 1643072: Unable to save a PDF file from Solid Edge to a path with a comma
0 S3 M/ M" j* s0 s7 \+ t& PPR 1694065: A scaled dimension is no longer scaled after being re-attached
9 j9 [' ^9 t5 l( ^$ c3 `  uPR 1711103: Solid Edge will export elliptical arcs as splines6 [! Q5 ]9 N; l
5 }4 ?5 g1 [$ X% G
===API===( ~; t3 X3 V* n9 a7 Q. R0 M
) y' j- h/ Q* n
PR 6098711: SelectSetChanged events not being fired properly from select tool in Synchronous
6 r3 T& S& M2 V6 k7 J8 _8 v) u. V+ n/ h7 ~" N. l! F
===Insight/View & Markup===
. y7 i, O2 |* i
3 l3 q* |1 y# g% ]9 F( VPR 1720400: Cannot open Parasolid files in View and markup with Hebrew filenames
  g8 l7 [+ ]5 ?9 ~7 @" q$ d
: z" ~; H: P" c$ w3 X6 Q=====Embedded Client=====6 _: Z1 |5 k' F+ ?. I2 c

8 q( f1 L$ E6 B* k( X. x7 yPR 1678740: The Dataset Keep Limit is ignored( B! l* [6 a6 C" b# `9 O& H5 ?
PR 1691073: if the query from Solid Edge contains an Integer LoV the search results are empty0 A% |  u" ~4 q" F5 A
PR 6023631: When an assembly is viewed via PSE the assemblies JT override file is not used
; u* C/ q0 m" Q( w* _" JPR 6125319: JT overrides created by SEEC do not contain BREP data as specified in the ini file
. Q- u) Z+ y0 E3 Q  x% H; p$ V$ n% `( \; S9 M* v) b
---0 o- p$ S% l/ l- J( u7 {  m  S- ~+ H


参与人数 1三维币 +2 收起 理由
msyanzi + 2 好资料,感谢您对论坛的支持!


发表于 2009-4-30 19:23:19 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-4-30 20:54:24 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-5-1 06:18:41 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-5-1 16:06:03 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-5-3 22:24:54 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-5-4 08:27:39 | 显示全部楼层
非常感谢啊,(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……
发表于 2009-5-6 01:00:10 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-5-6 01:04:42 | 显示全部楼层

求助SE 补丁安装

出现:“failure opening New File :c:\progra~1\SOLIDE~1\Program\RTF42500"后就无法进行安装了
发表于 2009-5-6 11:27:39 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 cecey123868 于 2009-5-6 01:04 发表 http://www.3dportal.cn/discuz/images/common/back.gif1 U( V, M. K( K7 R! r' n  |) M! D
出现:“failure opening New File :c:\progra~1\SOLIDE~1\Program\RTF42500"后就无法进行安装了
& x$ o! `0 x  X# c* `% {
请问你是什么版本?怎么V20和ST的补丁都安装呢?3 b) m, ^6 |3 F6 q" l! T8 y
发表于 2009-5-6 16:58:39 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-5-21 23:59:43 | 显示全部楼层
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