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[讨论] 在国外搞建筑工程设计,哪些东西与国内不同?

发表于 2008-3-14 07:56:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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2 ~, y0 b! k2 P6 R* p1 K9 o. }; v
) d& }, c8 ~* O3 o# L  n$ [% C4 e
5 O9 j7 v* Y  x, `
据本人观察,国内的设计院一般专业设置齐全,一个项目不出大门就能搞定。在国外一个专业,最多两个专业就是一个公司,一个项目要n个公司协作才能完成。边规划边协调,边协调边设计,边设计边施工,边施工边修改,边修改边调试,边调试边培训,边培训边验收。混乱但有秩序,低效但保质量。所以就造成了国外的图纸画的很好看,内容好像很多,但就我们关心焦点尺寸,少之又少。等到最后施工,这些东西都快协调800遍了,由施工人员"打哪指哪",哪里还有什么错、漏、碰、缺呀。大家可能注意到了,国外的图纸上有五花八门的声明,其目的就是尽量少负法律责任。要是真有脱不了干系的责任,就把板子打在那个在图纸上盖章的“注册工程师”身上,所以对于设计责任他最上心,不用三级校审也行。* p% y# S+ A( x' E+ M

* E2 ?( H% B0 l; P) h
" q) n- F2 g$ f( E; R; v( d( `
此贴抛砖引玉,以共享外国,外企网友的经验,为我国的工程建设领域借鉴。  ?0 V& c' E. U. k
2 J3 j; W7 V7 L/ k! K& Q
[ 本帖最后由 bafloow 于 2008-3-14 08:11 编辑 ]


参与人数 1三维币 +5 收起 理由
et998866 + 5 论题有新意


 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-15 09:06:21 | 显示全部楼层

M-421 Part Layout.PDF

456.47 KB, 下载次数: 5

发表于 2008-3-16 10:43:42 | 显示全部楼层


参与人数 1三维币 +3 收起 理由
et998866 + 3 技术讨论


 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-16 10:53:18 | 显示全部楼层

比图纸还重要的设计文件 - Specification

. V! r8 f( V. G5 H3 e 6 p. i9 q! k# o0 S


参与人数 1三维币 +5 收起 理由
et998866 + 5 技术讨论


 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-16 11:02:32 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 wanyeqing2003 于 2008-3-16 10:43 发表 http://www.3dportal.cn/discuz/images/common/back.gif
+ s* g$ |7 R+ ?国外也有总包与分包的关系吧。如果自己协调各分包商的关系是比较麻烦。
" l. w& |0 M8 |+ F+ {+ M% }0 ^
发表于 2008-3-16 19:38:22 | 显示全部楼层
: W. W5 G+ R* [# Z我们业主和承包方往往不了解其中的内容,所以比较费劲。8 {5 z' F% Y0 {5 V$ n

; i- C+ f' }9 X. P" T具体内容可以参考下面的网页:3 m* o' `8 D  P
 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-16 20:32:48 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-3-16 21:01:11 | 显示全部楼层
* X3 Q: H1 ~6 `, e, g; X2 Y: b" R" p) E  b
工程中除了甲方代表外,还有监理可以协助开展工作。, S# R/ [3 `8 |9 M! U2 O% v

: W, f& a4 t$ L4 u! p[ 本帖最后由 wanyeqing2003 于 2008-3-18 07:58 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-18 07:40:50 | 显示全部楼层
以下是一个实际工程的spec. (建筑设备)内容目录 15000.tableofcontents.pdf (10.72 KB, 下载次数: 2)
发表于 2008-3-18 10:54:37 | 显示全部楼层
呵呵~~国际项目确实不一样!. z7 }6 U: a+ c% r2 N
经常见到的文件有以下几种:- D: w! Z1 W$ u, M* z0 ~/ e) x) K
specification(说明书),calculation (计算书),MATERIAL REQUISITION,datasheet,Technical Enquiry,MATERIAL TAKE-OFF......
+ k' k4 C4 w- I& U8 c* a3 C那个specification最难弄,把各方面都必须写得很清楚,每句话最好都要按照标准里要求那样写!其他的文件都好说!
; k. Y3 n: x$ }2 [! W' T+ v
, c+ A: j$ ~: m. E$ T; |下面给大家一个阴极保护方面的specification的目录看看!, u3 c) }4 V, J. e: ]' Z
: h; k8 m* a& x" v( U5 E7 Z" p
" s$ u  h9 ^+ o4 c+ d1.0 SCOPE. ( f5 X3 y. k9 b1 R, J) n5 v, b9 p3 X
1.1 General.
3 j0 {: Y$ v3 {, y( Y1.2 Definitions.
6 k& R/ Y9 @/ ?1 }. k  l% m6 a2.1Codes, Regulations and Standards.
4 N0 B- s; ?4 E* M9 u. d# k3.0 CLIMATIC CONDITIONS.
) l& M0 a; V' d% u7 Q4.0 BASIC DATA..
! M* t4 x. m7 K+ y: @4.1 Design Life. , O. v0 P' G9 x" A
4.2 Cathodic Protection Potential.
- i) y) z' G$ @4.3 Protection Current Density..
$ I' m) f8 ]/ W8 }4.4 Energy..
* p1 t& M: B; t  m; A, H2 d4.5 Test Posts.
8 I! n5 e/ n- I! g# U/ y; b4.6 Insulating Joint..
* G' {% w) \* E. r4.7 Effect of Electric Line.
% @* I( ?$ }, N4.8 TemporaryCathodic Protection.. - u, L+ h6 S4 S) b5 P
. `) V3 L3 ~2 p3 a4 b8 L) B; [5.1 Mode of Cathodic Protection.. ' `8 w1 ]4 O( I* k
5.2 Transformer Rectifier.. 9 ^8 z% F" v* P" y  i
5.3 Anodes.
4 p9 I' |* I$ r+ F5.4 Carbonaceous Backfill.
+ D- X- m$ q& {# A) g6 H) p5.5 Anode Junction Box.. " w# d+ u. \3 g- y& B7 X0 L- j
5.6 Test Post and Permanent Reference Electrodes. # g+ t. @( n5 w( K" o) N, s6 D
5.7 Cables. 5 m( C) x) y* \2 a. Z
5.8 Permanent Reference Cell. $ r# c. g' R* I4 P: N- r+ Y; @7 O
5.9 Groundbed..
. v# D  b2 p1 l' L! c6 I3 L5.10 Pipeline GroundingSystem... $ D! b6 q* d% {; a: _" U
5.11 Casing Pipe Cathodic Protection System...   g* {* D4 _* Q7 y* M# Q: j/ t  ?
2 T1 ?( o& G, ~5 S* p7.0 INSTALLATION.. ! Q  ~/ y3 g" @. B- f+ T# Z3 ]
8.0 COMMISSIONING TESTS. % _: K7 J5 F" s; ^& f' r; V
! n1 B6 \) m3 J6 G( y  X/ l. L1 l% _6 X+ Q, Q3 Z6 c8 o3 T
[ 本帖最后由 zxs1221 于 2008-3-18 10:59 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-19 07:29:15 | 显示全部楼层

Specification -- 内墙的施工,供货,和提交的文件要求-1

" y& q* q( u% T' R3 `# e[PROJECT TITLE] 08710-1
. @0 S& a6 L0 n2 I$ c' fSECTION 08710
: g# i( ]7 @: P% m. o. jFINISH HARDWARE+ X$ e3 p$ Z, i
$#- \; h  ?8 X5 s: K
NTS: This specification section requires careful review by the specifier. The specifier
* L! m# Y4 L- d7 i1 sis required to modify the section according to the requirements of the project.
3 o+ ?3 U/ k# G- W. N8 M: OBrackets indicate items to be checked, completed, edited, selected, or filled in.6 _5 V( _2 V" t
NTS notations and brackets should be removed in the final printing.
. _  w7 S# S  j& n  |- Q8 V. E#$9 s+ e1 b3 ~7 ~" ?8 b
7 f0 o9 m% f; ~( K- P5 U( v. Y- O" e
2 x$ p. D, h! y7 I1.1 THE REQUIREMENT. G. F$ n9 L  j. `+ Z+ z# H
A. The Contractor shall furnish all tools, equipment, materials, supplies and manufactured items,6 O' x" `+ u* U; V, l- d$ O0 A
and shall perform all labor required to furnish and install, complete, finish hardware as indicated# }! Y8 ~! W! C7 F& f( ]
on the Drawings and specified herein.$ G5 o  i$ H$ C

1 T) @+ R2 t+ y3 ?6 ?/ m! \A. Section [02830] Chain Link Fences and Gates.
0 h+ W6 ^3 X& o/ ]B. Section [05500] Miscellaneous Metalwork.
; `/ e9 I7 n' r7 K9 ?C. Section [06100] Rough Carpentry.
  h0 @3 q' `9 D5 W  N4 S7 n( }. cD. Section [06200] Finish Carpentry and Millwork.1 H+ \' P: ]7 b0 j8 ?( y
E. Section [08360] Overhead Doors.
5 I3 u. A3 v! \8 UF. Section [08410] Aluminum Entrance and Storefronts.
" x6 m1 m- K; t: MG. Section [10160] Metal Toilet Partitions.0 }! M( k3 g. U. R
H. Section [10500] Metal Lockers.
( J8 G8 N3 D% j6 w4 g4 b8 j/ C! Y
! f) K- b! x8 E- p  HA. Comply with the reference specifications of the GENERAL REQUIREMENTS.
. V+ P7 b1 R: @B. Comply with the current provisions of the following Codes and Standards.5 c8 A1 V7 F  V1 [; g$ I
1. Commercial Standards:' v" M$ H5 A! A' J# e
Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc. requirements and approvals.* o3 c( v# x1 N" _
Hardware Institute (DHI) Recommended Procedure for Processing Hardware2 m7 q$ ]- s. v% C* h# U& r
Schedules and Templates and Architectural Hardware
8 c! A/ A. R- a- o+ cScheduling and Format.
# f, r$ R* L- l- NBHMA Builders' Hardware Manufacturers' Association: y6 t% X" x2 s* D8 a, T# E
2. Manufacturers' Standards: In addition to the standards listed above, the finish hardware" _' [7 M. y# P# Q+ F$ Z
and its installation shall be in accordance with the manufacturers' published
8 Q' a8 f" ?8 Lrecommendations and specifications.
, n3 T4 \' v! v4 Z3 a5 O0 h5 A, z4 W: S" E" P9 F2 [3 o8 u
A. Submittals shall be made in accordance with the GENERAL REQUIREMENTS.
1 c  C2 c& G- x% J1 q1 S0 K6 aB. The following submittals and specific information shall be provided.( \) d( p. Y% x
1. Samples: The samples of all items requested by the ENGINEER shall be furnished by the
, h, s# c' t+ f( B3 s( x2 |, hhardware supplier no later than [10] days after said request is received.( s9 c$ u; R) F5 }/ p
2. Manufacturer's information: The CONTRACTOR shall submit a complete detailed( b  Y8 v9 a( O7 F. U5 E% x
hardware list and a schdule along with manufacturer's literature on each item for approval.
* l! b  g% M4 C& h3 m- N+ w6 ?* ^5 cNo hardware shall be delivered until the hardware schedule has been approved by the
. ~- g3 |5 k, I7 Q" {6 _7 A0 X* X/ ?ENGINEER.6 N: J9 A) \2 s0 a% Q7 P
3. The hardware schedule submitted by the CONTRACTOR shall list the actual product series
/ v2 [% s% H& ~) {; \numbers. Manufacturer's catalog requirements for actual size of door closers, brackets,9 }0 E# n! x5 y/ O3 r
and holders shall be observed. All door sizes shall be noted on the hardware schedule and7 j) z4 V/ X7 f( A2 r8 Q9 ~3 b+ L+ ~
all hardware shall be in strict accordance with height, width, and thickness requirements.
- P4 ?7 O! V! ?+ J% _! o4. The schedule shall indicate groups, type, manufacturer's name, catalog number, location,) F/ i5 D- y5 m( K% O
and finish of each item to be provided, all in accordance with the DHI "Architectural
( S3 T3 x, m" H( `Hardware Scheduling Sequence and Format".
5 Y3 V& W0 j5 @$ E6 d+ D: c5. The schedule shall also include a complete template list showing template references and
8 P3 `& L+ W2 n; {2 ^data for each item requiring preparation of metal doors and frames.
& u/ L( ~0 M9 E) a) o2 Q# r6. Hardware for aluminum doors may be included in a separate section of the schedule.$ P1 T( e" B! a) c) o& K

8 [7 f& v/ Q; C5 e" i3 Y6 W1 d* e1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE) s7 Y* |- C& C4 q- f, Z$ o
A. Manufacturer's product names, numbers, and models are given herein for the purpose of
- J1 w  L# K$ ^5 z' J1 {* Y/ h/ Pindicating the requirements for the type, general construction, material and operation of the
0 r0 G. u& g+ q- c1 {2 Tspecific item, not with the intention of limiting the item to the manufacturer's listed product." u1 ?- G4 k% F' X
Substitution of another manufacturer's product that is fully equivalent in all respects may be/ d. e* F5 q+ |0 t8 Z- Z
made subject to the approval of the ENGINEER. It shall be the CONTRACTOR's responsibility) T( S% O  R( y7 V  E& R
to supply detailed and complete data to the ENGINEER as required to facilitate appropriate
" q1 d& T$ ]6 q9 O4 ?/ [" eevaluation of all proposed substitute items.
* D/ |8 M- p! u8 Y0 C' z) {1.6 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING
3 F- \4 Z  \% W& B% gA. Except where otherwise specified all hardware shall be delivered to the jobsite.8 u. y# Y- q5 L! q, ]+ G! v' V
B. Each unit of hardware specified herein shall be individually packaged complete with fastenings+ X8 P; u" X8 a2 R& a
and all appurtenances. Each package shall be clearly marked on the outside to indicate its$ i7 G3 U4 d$ i% \& T
contents and its specific location in the work, and shall be identified by its related number from. e& _6 [$ Z2 ~
the reviewed hardware list.
2 A. y( q7 m: E) L0 r5 N) W  D+ pC. Contractor shall store hardware in a safe place at the jobsite where directed by the ENGINEER0 W8 T# t+ Z9 U/ c2 E! [
to prevent loss or damage until installation.% O. `  f, h* R8 M) q: `5 F6 q

7 R, A$ w$ ]2 S: y" c0 E[ 本帖最后由 bafloow 于 2008-3-19 07:30 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-19 07:34:28 | 显示全部楼层
PART 2 -- PRODUCTS' O$ s6 i$ ?- Y& K, ]
1 A! z4 D6 z  H
2.1 GENERAL: B+ r8 I6 c" L( Y' |% X5 S, O
A. Manufacturer's product names, numbers and models given herein are for the purpose of* E2 `" D4 ^5 `1 d  i0 w' f. h% t0 K
indicating the basic requirements for type, construction, material, operation, durability and: D" [  |* ]4 o& F
functional adequacy of the specific item. Substitution of another manufacturer's product that is2 i# y8 A* d! {" y# k) F4 T8 L3 r- n
fully equivalent in all respects will be made subject to the approval of the ENGINEER.
1 K2 D4 d  X& J5 N% {4 b. q7 `2 w6 sB. Provide end products of one manufacturer for each item in order to achieve standardization for* z' D7 t- h% k7 _% _$ }+ J
appearance, maintenance, and replacement./ P1 w2 x$ W. ^" f) ?
C. When deemed necessary for product evaluation prior to review, the ENGINEER may require
: [- F' Q1 ], [8 L- x  T$ M  g1 Tsubmittal of full size standard production units for inspection and check. Such samples will be
8 I6 L, i8 P5 t3 Y( @- q  \8 r2 @returned to the Contractor and may be installed on the project if identified for location in
/ u7 m3 r/ U% U. a0 e7 x- Iconformance with specified requirements.
; D2 R, _' b2 ~D. Contractor shall check kinds and quantities of hardware products to determine conditions,  e) b4 M5 L4 ^; j  p3 x7 |
completeness, and conformance to the Specifications.; f0 I" f3 ^0 t' U2 m/ S; Y
) L( ~, P/ O; V" j" X" f# p% d
6 w  m& C" R2 \- ^. ?A. Locks and Latches: All locks shall be security type with 6-pin cylinders having stainless steel
$ [! b9 D) @9 a; G8 @- emechanism for all exterior hollow metal doors.8 N# n3 A6 d. I
B. Lock Uniformity: Except as otherwise specified, Contractor shall furnish locksets, cylinders, and3 q- z) p( L, R  n$ b( n* n
component parts as hereinbefore specified, by one manufacturer.3 L0 H2 z# \" `, M" x5 s7 [$ N
C. Lock Strikes: Shall be boxed type with curved tip of sufficient length to protect trim and/or jamb.5 [# L7 E& H& \5 f5 ^
Lock strikes shall be delivered to the jobsite with the locksets.
9 u) c* |5 U& g. m' Z! ?D. Fasteners: Bolts, screws, fittings, and other fasteners, including soffit plates for door closers,
' t$ w+ n" r7 n9 Mshall be provided for proper and secure attachment with specified hardware.
7 \8 }0 Y9 r4 {  w+ k8 KE. Door Closers shall be full rack and pinion type with adjustable means of regulating closing speed,4 w! U. g/ P$ s7 Y. Z: {6 o6 J* U
latching speed, back check, and with reduced spring power and shall be regular parallel arm type
4 Q( L' ~) ]9 B: r- dwith 90 degrees to 180 degrees hold open provisions.( F9 P; Z/ V' u2 Z1 J4 U* K
F. Door Swings: Door swings indicated on the Contract drawings are standard door swings. If a3 j, R" l) R$ i+ S1 W$ r6 I2 J2 ]
door hand is changed during Construction the Contractor shall make necessary changes in
* y6 U& W3 }  |: X, j4 \! Lhardware at no additional expense to the CITY, subject to the approval of the ENGINEER.
+ {/ [! a4 `3 }G. Silencers shall be provided for all metal door frames; three for single doors, two for pairs of- r" P: w6 |, Z  w- Z
doors.. b3 e( o7 @+ {5 T7 D
H. Door Butts shall be of proper width to clear trim and other features when door swings to
3 t3 m- O& l/ C% p# L; H# r  ~180 degrees and shall have oil-impregnated ball bearings.3 v/ L" Z' h6 x9 O. z% c
1. Door 1-3/4-inch thick up to 7-feet 0-inch to have 1-1/2 pair of 4-1/2-inch X 4-1/2-inch butts.
. |  \$ r6 ^( R7 S2. Exterior doors to have butts with oil-impregnated bearings.( J' n- o/ h# L
3. Provide template hinges for use on metal door frames.
! D+ W9 l$ b3 F7 v; A# M+ W/ VI. Temporary Lock Cylinder: Contractor shall provide temporary lock cylinders with temporary; e5 g: ~; Z* o+ J+ ^6 l7 H, Y
construction keys for door locks during the construction period.
$ c; j4 Z) g  SJ. Kickplates: 16-gauge stainless steel with edges beveled four (4)sides. Kickplates to be 10-7 T6 _1 I# g6 _3 o5 v, J
inches high x door width less 1-inch.# p- V1 n* B$ c- A/ x
K. Lock Astragal: Provide astragal for exterior in swinging 1-3/4-inch metal doors, of 9-3/8-inch x 1-
+ {4 i$ ]3 G! L. {: O8 ]) X+ O1/2-inch size with US 10 finish designed to prevent tampering of lock bolts from the exterior.
1 R, d9 q$ V: h! G- xL. Flush Extension Bolt: Two point concealed automatic type for exit operation only with control
# n! s4 t$ O1 G: |. Jknob located on the inside, provided with top and bottom strikes, Underwriters Laboratories (UL)/ e  C; X% x# G/ R9 q  n
Listed, bronze components with 626 finish and designed for use on 1-3/4-inch thick hollow metal
4 R" S6 }, z( v! Q6 _7 |doors.
2 N- W9 c8 f" r# B7 f+ ]3 |" M3 v# f' u
2.3 FINISHES' N( b! P) x! X% T% ~
A. All finishes hereinafter specified are "BHMA" numbers as specified by the "Building Hardware
" m3 R2 S8 G+ a3 J6 T7 `. uManufacturer's Association".
$ f4 l+ U8 A& P0 `4 E0 h1. 600 - Prime Coat2 T3 x6 S0 z3 l( q
2. 626 - Dull Chromium3 f7 O) `1 v8 `# j3 ^9 z3 S9 |$ t
3. 629 - Bright Stainless Steel
$ x  X' [- [2 \! Q8 ~4. 630 - Satin Stainless Steel
5 w0 n) x* I0 }7 o4 ~B. All items not specified herein shall have BHMA 630 finish.
' r( \0 ]2 n5 n: t& M3 K9 s. `) eC. Locksets and Deadlocks shall have BHMA 630 finish.; O; T# k! W% y% }" R* u
D. All hinges to have BHMA 630 finish0 W3 y) |; ?3 f' J2 ?' {
E. Kickplates, Push and Pulls to have BHMA 630 finish.
, v* z, y/ n- q6 ?' ~F. Closer cover plates to have dull bronze lacquer finish.
( q! P; x* p* lG. Miscellaneous Finishes shall be as specified.
7 U4 o; v( ^; |- i
, {9 P5 w4 w6 ]9 G' ^' a2.4 KEYING& c$ Q: h# L  R
A. To ensure full coordination with CITY's keying needs and requirements, all keying will be
( k& n/ h. Y5 G  s3 M' I1 v) r0 ydetermined after a conference with the ENGINEER, and such keying shall be designated in the: `6 Z( N' A- b  Z3 o7 I
CONTRACTOR's hardware schedule by appropriate set of numbers opposite the respective. `- X2 w; r. w4 p+ T+ ~1 V- V
doors. Keys shall be positively identified for their respective locks and shall be delivered into the
3 ]/ _/ V2 W6 S. E" Y  Chands of the ENGINEER upon completion of the work.
: r' A4 P5 j- d+ Q. j0 F4 z* f1. All locks and cylinders shall be labeled consecutively with the door number to correspond4 \; k9 m# b7 f
with change keys. All shipping tags shall be of approximate 2-inch X 3-inch size.) B1 \% K* C; f! E1 N8 W* p. w
B. Keys:& g+ N( y7 g7 h3 G
1. All keys shall be nickel-silver large bow, plain both sides, (6 pin) stamped on one side7 o- G- n1 }* N) l6 r* N( k3 y5 u
, V. c: U. y" s2. CONTRACTOR shall furnish two (2) keys for keyed alike locks; two (2) keys for each keyed
' ?" e& p/ S0 wdifferent locks, and six (6) grandmaster keys.
$ v2 q9 d2 k% o: Z, X' N/ W' Z8 i3. Lock manufacturer shall ship all keys including grandmaster, master, and change keys, via) Z- e9 u; _5 N  x0 O
Registered Mail directly to the ENGINEER. The keys shall be individually tagged and/ A& S3 M/ X0 g
identified by door locations.; a5 C9 h9 b6 Q1 G" P) h
4. At the time of change-over from construction lock cylinders to permanent lock cylinders,) H* G& L# t! j" n
the INSPECTOR will check the permanent key operation with the in-place permanent lock
- [' m9 g% |) ]0 O1 s3 C$ wcylinders to assure proper operation of locks and keys.
4 c  h/ \+ }+ i! v. P6 a. \; Q7 a
  s% o4 |9 Y$ R( K; y% Z, @A. The following hardware schedule is intended to represent the hardware required. Provide the3 B, z) S# W* H! ~5 m; B4 F  b
following hardware or their equal:  `* w* }3 k8 K
% ^9 O% k5 g; @1 j2 c6 A0 vNTS: List quantity, description, manufacturer's detail and finish for hardware7 W( A- _/ @: W5 L' k0 [( ~$ J
applicable to this project.
% o! ^! G7 U' C; R- s4 Q5 V0 N' F% A#$
$ V+ s6 t- ]' c( f% M# \( p. D- `. g) Y; e
0 j1 I3 f" L# Q. u( x2 FA. All hardware for metal doors and metal frames shall be fabricated to template. Templates, or! q3 t) C( N4 x+ |/ ^% U4 g2 K
physical hardware items, shall be furnished sufficiently in advance to avoid any work delay.
: G9 ^6 O, x% l3 l8 d1 m
0 j1 ]' F1 u/ x- H: @4 x) a$ N/ dPART 3 -- EXECUTION
* p% j3 u7 p  p1 X5 a7 X2 d. n8 K% ?7 B/ S& {. A
3.1 GENERAL& c5 h) ~% s5 r1 b% X  X" f& N3 A
A. During the construction period, the CONTRACTOR shall employ temporary construction lock4 N/ ^: T- G4 J" _3 O) ]2 x- g/ a
cylinders with temporary construction keys on door locks in the project.$ Y9 |1 Q0 J9 C7 |  S  f
B. Prior to completion of construction, and after final installation of hardware, the CONTRACTOR
- l9 v) {6 k( J, o8 f, wshall demonstrate to the ENGINEER that all items of operable hardware function properly, that9 f2 K" D  @: k, S. e3 R; ~
doors swing smoothly, and that keys lock and unlock their respective doors.6 R1 Q' u9 ^+ G* H: W1 D
C. At the time of completion of the facility, on direction of the ENGINEER, the CONTRACTOR shall
- F7 T; o  |2 y9 X0 g, h. w$ s, hreplace the construction lock cylinders with the permanent lock cylinders.
+ H; s, R" a2 `  ~D. The CONTRACTOR, upon completion of the work herein, shall remove all oil, grease, or other  F! `5 q. L/ D1 |* M! c: X0 j1 ~
soiling from exposed surfaces of finish hardware and shall remove all cartons, wrappings, and( N2 T! \, @$ T6 W- l
other debris resulting from the work herein, and shall leave the facility in a neat, clean, and
6 V; z; x, e2 H! c( j& Lacceptable condition subject to approval by the ENGINEER.: H" i* f1 H: X( `- T! U
7 Y% ^- W) {$ }( l* n' q
3.2 INSTALLATION' [. l- g4 z3 F7 J
A. All hardware shall be installed accurately and in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.: U/ L. N" F$ j$ j/ _$ H+ c
B. Hardware shall be securely tightened to develop full strength of components and provide for. g; a0 `) ~9 A  _! D% w, O
proper operation.5 g5 B6 i3 F1 c6 ?8 y$ g: ~
C. Make work neat and secure.$ G8 F4 w! R' \% U) o
D. Prevent marring, scratching, or otherwise damaging adjacent finishes during hardware
8 S/ t7 ?7 H. y! N* @installation.
( d/ N" |3 b' Q+ ?E. Latchbolts:
- a% W/ x: z' m! F$ q0 l8 \  F4 }1. Install to engage in strikes automatically, whether activated by closers or manually.
. d$ P% k# K  w3 Q- m% p3 k5 B& i2. Additional manual pressure shall not be required to engage latchbolt in strike.$ X/ Y  u8 p" a5 E- b% y4 t7 e
F. Stops and Holders: Set to allow doors to open as far as possible.$ u" j# `/ _! O. e- z; N$ n# ~/ @
G. Wall Mounted Hardware: Install over solid structural backing or solid blocking in hollow walls.
' W2 V' t' k1 c5 F- OH. Thresholds:
( y' c' i4 q1 V$ v' }1. Cope ends neatly to profile of jamb.
5 s% g1 H. V# J: }2. Set in sealant and seal ends to jambs.$ A; q. J% R+ x# `  r. [
I. Hardware: Adjust for easy, noise-free operation.
# s! e5 Y1 `, r5 oJ. Replace damaged hardware items.
+ }9 Q9 G0 b/ T( j8 ]; @
5 ?7 r; S) R* Q; c$ a3.3 PROTECTION( g. p. {* L: u: U' _  J8 K
A. Cover and protect exposed surfaces of hardware during installation and until substantial* X* V4 k# g% m( I# u+ S
. U! ~+ A6 T! LB. Fit, dismantle, and reinstall finish hardware as required for finish painting work.& \8 L4 u# t7 e, h8 S* V
C. Protect and prevent staining of hardware during construction in accordance with manufacturer's
/ t6 M5 t, o& @recommendations.
4 t9 G0 g8 ~5 pD. Remove protective measures on permanent lock cylinders installed prior to final cleaning.
+ R! N; R, h9 E  t( S& C- l- P+ i7 O2 z* * * * * *
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