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[分享] Solid Edge ST7 MP9 Update (by SSQ)

发表于 2015-9-7 18:37:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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It's update only! To install it you need Solid Edge ST7 to be preinstalled!
1 ]# L* [* R! m$ ~, c) C: o5 s. b See _SolidSQUAD_\readme.txt for more info.., s9 m! O( ], ?5 Y

" {- N- w( H5 W, ^4 W% w$ x" ^- q! ^ torrent file.." B) I2 A' M) w


15.86 KB, 下载次数: 46

 楼主| 发表于 2015-9-7 18:38:33 | 显示全部楼层
list of fixed PR's
6 M" l2 B( z4 o! [9 W) \/ |2 S6 k7 q2 n/ [5 c1 ^
--------------------------------------------------2 O! V/ r% Y0 [. }; K! p2 G: k* s: ^
This Maintenance Pack addresses the following PRs:( @8 r: U2 U9 X! G+ M/ g  X
--------------------------------------------------7 v% V  `/ }% v* M3 i. j# \

4 A3 x- G: F3 e9 b===API=== 7 t- d& S0 A/ A
PR 7418372: CommandInfo::Icon returns HICON of image list instead of a command icon bitmap, `$ [: p& V% S4 Q9 }6 M
PR 7415571: API: ModelNode::GetCutLength returns 04 K5 ~8 p& Y# h5 q! `7 q$ S+ d6 z, j
PR 7437107: The API 'ThreadDataByDescription' does not work in ST7) d& h: B/ T: _
PR 7457728: constraint.GetGeometries API does not return the correct geometry$ _! R: ~5 J  E' t. a
# {8 W/ j, Q5 t7 e, ?
- }2 u( D. k( Y9 H: L. FPR 7405944: not exiting the command when a subassembly becomes fully defined during placement" t/ A1 Z7 Y% l" a. ^7 q1 {
PR 7410611: Added Display Dimension control to the Occurrence API
( f4 q' i8 M6 W' IPR 8264755: "Save Simplified Assembly As" failing
" G: s- M5 F6 B3 o& q" `( cPR 1928569: Wrong Amount in "Atomic Parts List" (Reports and Draft)+ w' }# I" g' C8 B3 |( k
PR 7413477: Expand All causing part files to load1 {/ W* F- ^  k
PR 7423057: user is unable to copy sketch into opened Subassembly
% h$ H$ v2 @7 TPR 7432598: Updating all Open documents on each Peer Variable Table record update0 `; V# y- r6 [5 ~5 |
PR 7439634: Item number blank and read only in occurrence properties in FOA files$ ?& y) N0 ^" u6 Q3 y3 Q
PR 7446113: part status not correct when adding tangential relations
# A) `) @  K3 R8 Y& lPR 7457275: Interference checking on construction surfaces in ST7* k. D/ v$ p0 |2 D; ~
PR 7459332: not being able to drag a component in some scenarios when going between a selected edge and a triad axis# N6 E" H' D( o2 ^& N
PR 7462671: inactive simplified subassemblies not being included in physical properties calculations.! ^" f+ q& m; U, }4 f5 Z9 |( [: M$ ]
PR 8506060: Break links does not exist on the edit links dialog in ST7
  y7 o" A+ }  l: CPR 7463722: "Display in Higher Level" setting will not affect physical properties calculations3 l4 H6 G' L. C3 d$ A
PR 7470955: PMI Section view does not cut a fillet weld
& l) }0 z5 C% }- r5 X& e1 o) z! s+ Z; L
===Draft=== 1 Y2 ^* d& N( {6 n/ m* |! p7 j
PR 7384379: Unusual semi-circles appear in some dual dimensions
0 b( g1 O+ t4 w$ Y& q/ Z: W' yPR 7415256: Grid disappears when switching sheets) d$ _. O: K1 V
PR 7415586: Parts List changed unacceptable after update views9 a; Q9 O+ S8 q' p& m/ z
PR 7363506: Loop test does not include spreadsheet. K4 g8 \2 i# J& W8 D5 ^) I% f! l
PR 7376599: Honor hidden explode flow line in drawing views with explode configurations' y$ W. @% d  w/ X
PR 7405632: Tolerance becomes abnormal when I change a text scale1 h) ?5 E+ v3 C$ ^
PR 7407307: Blocks on background sheets not exported to DXF
4 c7 M, V3 v0 Q% F& p7 S# y% Q5 S" ZPR 7432084: Solid Edge crashed while reading entities
7 G9 ~; S2 \5 w# r$ |9 ?% xPR 7436337: Tangent command is in a bad state after pressing SHIFT and middle mouse button  ~; s0 U5 Z! g0 d5 ]; a
PR 7440042: Drawing View Properties / Style page shows the wrong style8 W+ b  s6 K# F& K6 l
PR 8505679: Direction of displacement is reversed in the saved image
6 |; r* @% i( n  f: o
4 Q' E$ o! o1 i===Part/Profile/Sheet Metal===
* E2 X' g# h9 f  O7 k, T5 ePR 7421230: Crash when inserting feature library: u6 F7 Z2 I. i6 Q& C; H. ?( O- I
PR 7392093: Driving dimensions do not accept decimal values! M" T& o0 w/ E! h# O
PR 7434569: KeyShot import issue
! P' S: Q7 y2 a8 o# Q0 nPR 7247507: Problem of changing geometry in Sheet Metal Assembly ' \6 K* }& x! t3 G) r; v" [
PR 7271837: Deselected region reselected when green checkmark clicked$ k; x0 V/ K5 Y8 T3 T
PR 7437087: Smart Dimension locks 2 files up - Please repair in ST7, U+ x4 F; {: o$ B, q
PR 7441752: Transfer from styles via material.mtl doesn't work correctly% f2 _7 N3 f! {: K5 v3 c
PR 7444567: Unusual semi-circles appear in some dual dimensions
0 @2 V+ @3 t9 ]6 BPR 7448157: Sheet metal part can no longer be edited0 T8 H4 ]8 \- M/ H
' n7 Q  H6 U+ ?2 ]3 b* n: Z% J
! U" u- |6 m% M+ s/ e0 IPR 7398888: Difference in assembly contents and relationship when opened with different user
: w* d' f$ _" f7 N$ o4 |. X8 nPR 2215861: SaveCopyAs changes Author value in Summary Property to Windows User Name
1 n2 r3 c5 w8 l: i; n" NPR 7143583: Revise via SE is changing the author property
6 f! n2 H' B8 |8 O# @+ JPR 7361387: Unit Tolerance for Insight Managed files doesn't work - Dot / Comma problem
; ?/ E6 G! [  R" i; y2 ^# t! r, i- E% v
===Solid Edge SP, Server, Standalone Client, Solid Edge Client===
' j& _. g6 w& ~7 mPR 7387776: Crash seen on sending part to RB which saved under a folder that has "," in name
8 \) m9 R8 \9 J; a( f; d1 X# EPR 7408925: SESP Client performance slow on Address -> Select Folder dialogue: {3 o9 O/ K# N5 L+ b( _! F
PR 7431109: Select Folder dialog for New Document is incomplete if Windows Display is 150%
  w6 Z1 r9 N3 _3 s' u9 J, vPR 8274706: SESP workflow issues: SESP people picker web part takes lot of time to load% z$ {5 V5 t2 p, l2 i' U8 V
( ]0 f; l$ E# _$ i! I/ V: {
===Solid Edge Embedded Client===
4 \: M6 U/ e% c" q8 G* R6 ePR 7412957: Multiple scenarios where SESE will either crash or freeze
. d. p' ]) D8 g) qPR 7429671: SEEC: Initial value required attribute not available in ATT Interactive
/ R) t7 F" V/ U8 T3 I% W/ SPR 7458795: SEEC - revise all of a complex structure assembly does not finish
6 c0 K+ v1 H! @( E( NPR 8263114: AddToTeamcenter interactive doesn't honor the preference SEEC_property_item_name
( w1 [1 |3 n8 O% [2 e, ^, n3 q3 G. f% B* p+ }9 U0 G
===Translators===1 i: P( V  W5 T& L4 N# L
PR 7426671: Solid Works files won't open in Solid Edge . h( x" r! s8 z
PR 7428388: On some parts of the assembly SE in sync mode cannot recognize holes1 z: j* X& Y9 J
PR 7428887: Export to 3D pdf, KeyShot, SEV creates several instances of the same part copy
! V! q. n: K* ]) G- L) v4 b' Y' h* u+ E
: s! I' u/ u# t7 Z2 d2 o! Q+ VEnd
5 Y0 a9 x5 }+ \. ]  k---
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